Device Oriented Subjective Outcome (DOSO) Scale

What is it?

The DOSO questionnaire was developed to measure hearing aid outcomes in a manner that is relatively independent of wearer personality. In most of the items, patients choose from several responses to indicate how well the hearing aids work to accomplish specific goals. The DOSO produces scores for 6 sub-scales: Speech Cues, Listening Effort, Pleasantness, Quietness, Convenience, and Use. There are two short forms [DOSOs(a), DOSOss(b)] and one long form (DOSO) available for use. DOSOs (a) and DOSOs(b) each consist of 28 items. The difference between DOSOs(a) and DOSOs(b) is the items in the Speech Cues and Listening Effort sub-scales. DOSOs(a) and DOSOs(b) are equivalent forms and both produce scores for all 6 sub-scales. The long form DOSO comprises all 40 items and produces scores for all 6 sub-scales. DOSOs(a) and DOSOs(b) have been revised in order to keep up with changes in rechargeable technology.

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Obtaining the DOSO Questionnaires and Scoring Documents

The DOSO Questionnaires are in PDF format and can be viewed, printed, and saved to your computer using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program. The documents available include the DOSO forms, a list showing which items are allocated to each sub-scale, instructions for manual scoring, and a blank template for plotting an individual’s scores against norms for other hearing aid wearers.

Obtaining the DOSO Scoring Software

The DOSO software for Windows is available from the AUSP Software Group as zip file for free download from this page (at right).


Cox, RM, Alexander, GC, and Gray, GA. (2007). Personality, hearing problems, and amplification characteristics: Contributions to self-report hearing aid outcomes.” Ear and Hearing, 28(2): 141-162.

Cox RM. Alexander GC, & Xu J. Development of the Device Oriented Subjective Outcome Scale (DOSO). Referred poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ, March, 2009.

Cox, RM., & Xu, J. Development of the Device Oriented Subjective Outcome (DOSO) Scale. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.